
Eye for an Eye?



11-24-2013, 04:10 AM

Her stench would encourage forth an immediate threat of danger, hackles bristling with a vicious sense of spite as a rapid bark would call his superiors to accompany him. Regardless of her intentions she was not welcomed anywhere near the territory borders, and her presence would be taken than no less than a call for alarm; however it was the suggestion of another, a male, that would truly bristle his skin. Did she bring numbers? Had her loss on the fields of war not been enough? He would set off at a lope of anxiety, a snarl growing against pale lips as he would move with haste, despite the healing tension within his limb after his vicious brawl with Taurig. So much fighting, the violence was never ending. However Glaciem only grew stronger as their forces stretched to those of Ludicael, and the King?s pride greater.

He would cease with a surprisingly elegant, friction-induced slide, coiling his hips around him into a half circle as his muscles would stretch to their uppermost extent. Tail flagged high, draping curls of moonshine silver falling back towards his haunches as their length failed to imitate the bristling that rose against his spine. Ivories exposed as several threatening barks would shatter within her wake, rubies narrowed upon the trio that had gathered as he awaited the backup of his rankers. ?Prisoner, go back,? it was a seething demand, a threatening suggestion that exposed his discomfort. If the man failed to move, the situation would only grow more intense, more threatening. ?You fail to recognise your foolishness, Magpie; bringing yourself and this? boy, to my Kingdoms borders,? it would take only the wrong motion to set the man into reactions of violence, ?You gamble with your life.? What a great new look the woman flaunted, that sickeningly corrupted socket really did look rather fancy.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]