
She is the sunshine


11-24-2013, 04:42 AM
The flamed began to die, the sting of embers and ash fading slightly from the singed flesh on his body as the ringing in his ears disappeared. Though he was shaky from what had just happened, he tried not to show the fear that had gripped him when the blast threw them forward. If they had not been going as fast as they were, then they both would probably have been sent into oblivion, or injured beyond repair. Luckily, she had gotten away with nothing more then a few scratches from the tumble, and he with a singed tail and rump. The smell of burned fur caused his nostrils to wrinkle slightly, but he ignored it for now as there were more important matters to see to. As he gave a quick shake of his head to distract and clear his mind from the near death experience, the girl had spoken. "Thank- Thank you.?

He would then begin a response as his head shake finished, his head not yet lowered to look at her. "No need to thank m-" Before he could finish, he felt her press tightly against him, and he would glance down to see her pressed into his chest; clearly she had been terrified of what had just happened. But he didn't expect any less. He was just as scared, shaken up, as that could have been the last moment of his life.

Gently and for comfort towards her, as well as to himself he licked the top of her head and tucked his own head into her shoulder. He was grateful to be alive, and he was sure that she was too. It wasn't every day that someone risked their life to save another. He could have easily turned and ran the other way, but he was too good for that. Too different, a paladin by nature and it was simply not in his nature to leave one at deaths front door if he could help it. He soaked in the comfort that the pair gave to each other, she unknowingly giving the boy comfort in this unspoken touch. "You're alright, yes? Are you hurt?" He would ask her through a muffled voice, as he spoke into her fur. Although they were still somewhat strangers to each other, that did not matter in a situation such as this. Or at least, he thought so anyway.