
Gingerbread Cottage



11-24-2013, 10:01 AM

She sized up Raven with a critical eye. Unless she was tougher than she looked, Arayne felt that it would be somewhat difficult for the diminutive wolf to keep her captive. The mention of Syrinx again and the threat of turning her over did make her flinch slightly, however. He wouldn't need any help in dragging her away, and she didn't know if he still held a grudge from her rude behavior at the Amenti den. Still, she attempted to regain some of her former bluff. "Is that so? You and what army?"

This was precisely when Ryouta walked in. Arayne turned at the sound of claws clicking on the stone, and went pale under her fur at the sight of the enormous wolf.

Oh. That army.

She stepped away from the huge wolf, the last of her bluster deflating as her hackles flattened themselves again. She watched as Raven greeted her, realizing that this must be her mate. Well. There went any chance of leaving by force. The wind gusted outside, and she could have sworn it carried a mocking tone. Trapped, trapped. She swallowed, meeting Ryouta's icy gaze. "Only for the winter." she said in response to Raven's words. But for the most part, the fight had gone out of her. She had no options aside from staying. It was that or freeze. But they would be having this conversation again after the thaw, that was for sure."Speech"