
Eye for an Eye?



11-24-2013, 01:03 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2013, 01:05 PM by Chrysanthe.)
"Cousin." She would see Leon out of the corner of her good eye, and immediately she would bristle just slightly. As appreciative as she was of his kindness, she did not want him here for this. The last thing the alpha wanted was to set the albino and hi women off - she had come here to talk - nothing more. "You should not be here." Yet just as another had come to the battlefield to watch over her own well being, he would toddle behind her in fear that she could not take care of herself. "Behave yourself." She did not want a single word to fall from his lips while she was at his side. If he sounded for the others it would mean war, and that completely obliterated her reasoning for coming to the enemy's doorstep at all.

Themisto's appearance both made her glad to see that he was all in one piece, and fueled her to succeed in this attempt to get him back. She would greet him with a small, melancholy smile. And bump heads with him should he allow it. It was her fault that he was stuck in this pack... "Relax, I am not here for a fight." The woman would urge him to worry less - he should be worried about himself, he was a prisoner for christsakes.

When Isardis finally arrived, he was, of course, not too happy to see her. Shame, and here she thought the two of them could be friends... "Foolish I may be, but I am not here to fight, nor are these words I would toss to a messenger." She wanted to speak with Isardis herself, regardless of the costs or even the consequences. "My cousin is here only to bear witness. If you prefer him further away so that we can talk..." He only needed today the word and she would order him to leave - whether he wanted to or not.

"Will you give me a moment of your time, Isardis?" A moment is all that it would take should he allow it. If he refused then she would leave, and fight for each member taken individually throughout the season.