
I only need one hand


11-24-2013, 02:49 PM

Vahva had been relaxing some, her muscles were sore from trying to climb a tree. Failing she had fallen, and cracked her back some bit. Though she could easily handle and treat it. Sitting near the pool of water, the woman pulled her tongue into the water to take a drink. She was sore all over dammnit, and she needed to build her strength to go face the king of the north. She knew that, she knew she could be risking her life as well as her own faith in her old family. She was a nobody though, ever since she left Ala then returned a year later, no one bothered to remember her. The same as her mother who had been a lead healer of Valhalla. What was the point if no one remembered you? You couldn't just die just like that. Unreasonable if you ever asked the wolf in any tone.
After she was finished, she did a number of stretches on her back until it was a little bit better. Standing, her eyes wandered over to the Valhallan territory. She wondered if her birth pack would ever welcome her back, if she would fit in anywhere since her recent falling of a queen in another place. This place was harsh she knew that much, and it would become much harsher if she were not careful. Her tail flicked back and forth as she yawned shaking water droplets from her bright blue mane from the rain.
