
Lest I Forget [ACCEPTANCE]


11-24-2013, 03:19 PM
It had been a long and difficult journey since Melody had left her mountainhome. She had seen all that she had longed to see and found that she had truly seen enough. Her home was not in the cold peaks of the north, nor was it in the dry plains of the west. Her home was not nestled in the fur of a long forgotten family member, nor was it beneath the paws of a cruel stranger. She would have to make her own home and if that meant becoming a part of something larger, contributing her skills to the good of a pack, she would do it. And she would choose a group that would not be trifled with; one that would not be chased off by a rogue pack like her family was. She would provide for herself and fo those who required her skills and never again be taken as a fool.
Feeling confident, Melody sat on the borderlands of a land that she could smell belonging to a grand pack. She gazed ahead into the trees and knew that this was where she wanted to plant her roots.
Leading herself purely by instinct, Melody tilted back her head and howled into the distance, prepared for whatever was to come.