
Lest I Forget [ACCEPTANCE]


11-24-2013, 05:32 PM

She had been laying in her den, curled in the embrace of her mate, when a howl was heard in the distance. Summoning an alpha no doubt, but this howl came from nowhere near any pack lands. Disentangling herself from the grasp of the man, she stood and padded from the den, when she was out of range, she picked up her pace and began to run, extremely long legs taking three metre strides in the direction of the call. She could hear Corvusi leaping effortlessly through the trees above, her voice trailing down to the giantess' audits. "Why are you bothering? They could be deranged, rabid. Just go back to the den with Magnus, where it's warm." The cat lamented, her glowing eyes showing through the foliage as green orbs at the time. The alabaster she wolf's voice came, ethereal tones replying easily, despite the speed at which she moved. "Because that is not in my nature." She told the ebony feline, as if it was the most obvious of things to be said. She came to the place where she heard the voice, moonstone orbs spotting a she wolf who stood a bit shorter than herself.

Approaching calmly, she left her companion in the trees where she preferred to be, and her stride was slow and measured, as graceful as usual. She easily stepped over the small trickling creeks that flooded the once plain that was now claimed as a delta. Feminine hips would sway as she held her cranium high, lithe muscles rippling a powerful undertow beneath the river of her ivory pelt. Moonstone orbs remained fixed upon the stranger as she approached from behind, long banner sweeping along her tall heels while twin raven's feathers danced an erratic ballet within the silky strands of fur. Her voice escaped parted ebony lips, otherworldly vocals slithering from between her formidable canines. "Do you seek a pack? For if so you are not in the right place, milady." She spoke, her whisper of a voice silky and beautiful, a faint Russian accent obvious in the words. She stood a few paces from the fae, waiting for a response of any sort.