
We raise the fire high tonight



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-24-2013, 06:46 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2013, 06:49 PM by Epiphron.)

Everything in this Kingdom was changing rather quickly, and though she did not exactly look forward to the arrival of strangers at her borders, her slight aversion to this woman's presence would be kept hidden carefully away. Her initial impression was that this lady was not a threat, and so her demeanor would be amicable as usual until she gave Epiphron a reason not to. Eager sapphire gaze would sweep over the woman, analyzing her keenly for a long moment.

Her choice of words was peculiar indeed, and the Queens' head would tilt delicately to the side. "Official business?" her inquiry would come with a touch of fervor that even she could not contain. She claimed she had family here, as well -- and that she wanted to let the packs of Alacritia know what she was doing. Strange, indeed. And though she offered to protect her family -- did she mean to be a warrior of Seracia? -- Epiphron was unsure whether her intentions matched her words; and vague words they were, not at all straightforward.

"Tell me then, Vahva, what is it you request of me? You come here speaking to the Queen herself, Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias, and yet you leave me wondering what exactly you want from us." A soft smile painted her features, so kind it was hard to tell whether it was sincere or not. "I too, hail from Valhalla, a blood child of Cairo Adravendi himself." Her own crown would dip, offering the woman a respectful nod before letting her speak.