


11-25-2013, 12:21 PM
OOC Name: Dark
How did you get here?: Newt

Character's Name: Syren
Age: pup
Season of birth: summer
Size: 40 inches
Appearance description: she epitomizes strength and contrasts frailty with the typical gargantuan physique of the adravendi line, stretching to a massive apex of forty inches and breaching a hefty mass of approximately one hundred and forty pounds. thick, sinewy muscle lathers her larger bones, granting the babe a compacted musculature visible to the naked eye even through the dense layer of fur adorning her masculine body. because of the evident machismo of her form, she lacks the feminine traits of a sleek abdomen and protruding hips that are normally gifted to her gender with the purpose to entice the opposite, rendering the woman as unappealing in comparison to the other females of her generation. the sole alluring features to the adravendi wench are her elongated limbs, but even the attractiveness of her lengthy legs is overruled when topped off with her massive paws.

her thick coat, pulled taut over her padded musculature, features a highly unique and intricate design. earthy tones paint the plains of her fur from a pale tawny to a milky brown to a crisp auburn, the lightest of the three hues lathering her chest and extending to the very tip of her plush tail. partially coating her abdomen and hind limbs is a milky chocolate, while the darkest, crisp auburn dominates her hide from the bridge of her muzzle, stretching to her haunches. the most peculiar aspect to her entire coat is the golden dorsal stripe running from the nape of her neck to the end of her tail along her spinal column, branching out into jagged tendrils that extend down to the center of her abdomen. the palest cerulean of eyes contrasts the overall darkness of her coat, almost metallic in appearance when hit by direct sunlight.
Duty:none yet