
I Have Seen The World {Joining}


11-25-2013, 01:53 PM
There is a difference between peace, and chaos, like there is a difference between company, and being by yourself, sometimes you just snap, yet not being part of a pack exiles you from the greatest things in life, like love, and company, and knowing you are part of something great. That is what Cleopatra wanted, she wanted the feeling of being something great, and being part of a pack was her way to get there.

She had heard of many, some small, some big, but she had narrowed it down to three: Valhalla, Amenti, and Ludicael, and she had chosen Ludicael, from the stories she had heard, it was the pack with the most freedom, it didn't tie you down to countless rules, and it didn't demand to much from you, and the other packs, she had her reasons for wanting, and not wanting to join them, but she had made her decision, a decision she wouldn't change.

And as Cleopatra stood by the border of Ludicael, a slight breeze blowing, she remembered what she had to do, which was, not show dominance, be polite, and try your best to impress them, no pack wants a wolf with zero skills. By just standing there she could smell the scent of wolves, some scents old, some new, she just hoped that it wouldn't take too long for someone to approach her.