
I Have Seen The World {Joining}


11-25-2013, 09:38 PM

The woman's voice rung in her sensitive audits, a compliment accompanied by an introduction, and a question to follow. A smile was all she would give in reply to the compliment, knowing full well she would not be able to respond otherwise, having the mindset she did about herself. She was about to answer the dame's questions, when Jupiter arrived. Now that she was here, maybe it would be best to let her cover this, since she knew what to do better than the alabaster dame did.

Turning her deceptively delicate cranium to face her superior, she smiled and dipped her head in a respectful greeting to the fire pelted mistress. Leaning closer to the Alphess, she would whisper ethereal tones upon the soft fur of the masked she wolf's ear. "With your permission madame I believe I shall take my leave and let you handle this." She murmured, then dipped her tiara respectfully to the ashen she wolf in farewell. No doubt she would see her around the lands, should Jupiter allow her into the sanctity of the pack. With that, she faded into the shadows once more, leaving behind only her scent; lavender and ginger.
