
A frozen Waste


02-07-2013, 07:54 AM
Her ears perked up when Thane had said he smelt a snow hare, That was a yummy food she had it one time in her life and she liked it. Her tummy begun to growl as she thought of the food, she was hungrier now then she was before. She looked at thane who had begun to sing a song. It was lovely and she enjoyed it very well he did have a good singing voice and it soothed her tension she had about being in a different place had seemed to melt away. "That is amazing Thane, You sing well" She said as she nuzzled him with her head.

She listened to him as he asked her if she knew any songs. Her mind went back to her past to come up with nothing. "no i don't know any songs" She said as she looked at him. Sometimes she wished she knew some songs but she did not not at all. Her eyes caught the site of a small rabbit off in the distance. "Thane look" She said as she looked at the rabbit. "Is that what you smelt." she asked as she licked her muzzle at the thought of a yummy meal.

OOC: Sorry it is short my muse is iffy atm.