
What is This

Aria I


03-16-2013, 12:45 PM
Aria had found out about this place the other day from a traveling loner, at first she didn't believe him but as he described the place she got an idea to check it out. So here she was, moving through the land, green eyes scanning the place for the ravine that loner described. He said that if you didn't want to fall and break a leg then you would have to look very carefully, be aware of where you put your paw. That was exactly what she was doing, she kept her body weight back while using a front paw to press down on the tall grass. Test, move forward, test, move forward. She did this for about ten steps before her paw finally pushed forward, the echo of it hitting something reaching her ears. Carefully the female stretched out her neck, finding herself looking over a ledge and down the ravine.

After finding the ravine ledge the she-wolf trailed along it, looking for where it merged into the ground so she could walk through. It wasn't easy to find the end, she took about an hour to finally found it, standing there with her head down and taking a deep breath. "Finally." She spoke to herself, lifting her head and holding it high, moving forward. Even though it was just a ravine, it amazed the she-wolf because she had never seen one before.