


11-26-2013, 04:18 AM

The cool morning air stirred his fur. He had just been coming back from Seracia, leaving his sister there in the care of the healers until he returned. He had wanted to come back to tell Taurig that he and Tidus had succeeded in freeing the slaves from Amenti, and perhaps let him know that the former slaves would be coming to join Tortuga. However, his joy would soon find itself depleted when the strong scent of blood and the stench of anguished cries echoed and stirred in the air. Fur bristling on end, he ran through the territory towards the other side. His legs pounded and all senses were on alert in case something decided to jump out and attack him, and it wasn't long before he saw several forms through the trees. Keeping his fast pace up, he arrived in time to see a pool of blood, and who it belonged to. A gasp of surprise escaped him, what the hell had happened since he was gone!?

His ocean blues eyes moved up to spot several wolves on the other side of the border. Their recognizable stench was that of Glaciem, and a veil of hatred was cast over his eyes. So the bastard had come seeking blood...well he got it. But as Tidus had said, his reign would soon come to an end...all in due time, however. One as power hungry and prided as the ice bastard would dig his own grave. He was already half way there, and soon he would be no more. His kingdom, after all, was already falling apart. Hansel knew of the queen having fled, to hide away as she was pregnant with Taurig's children. Oh what a low blow that had been from his "loyal" queen. Yet he deserved every ounce of hurt and pain that came his way. He brought it on himself after all, he deserved no better.

"We must get him back to camp and tend his wounds, Ozz go on ahead and inform Lily. She has a stock of herbs in her den. We must hurry or he won't make it." he exclaimed as he moved forward to slip in behind Gitan. He adjusted the Re's weight upon his back, and it seemed a somber procession would seem to begin soon. He knew they had to get him back, and fast. Otherwise, they could lose the one great king that would make his mark in least, to the wolves of Tortuga. Taurig was the king of legends.
