
Alas the shaman is here [joining]



11-26-2013, 05:31 AM

Maija had been out patrolling and enjoying the cold atmosphere of Tortuga's winter. The winds had become harsh when they blew, making her shiver with delight from the reaction she got from the chills that made her skin prickle. It seemed that she was enjoying the smaller things in life more than she had before finding Tortuga, finding Taurig...and finding happiness. The cobalt Re was what made her feel good about waking up in the morning and seeing the day she was living to see. She wouldn't admit it openly in front of her pack mates, but Maija was slowly falling for her Re more and more each day.
With the thoughts of their last night of passion on her mind, Maija's mind was brought back to the present by an unfamiliar scent. It hit her nose with the brisk winds that were sweeping across and around Tortuga. Images of unseen chemistry were pushed from her mind and the gold female's senses heightened. She pinpointed the spot where the smell came from and approached it through the woods at a trot. Lithe frame wove through the woods unseen, silent paws trekking across the frozen ground until the figure came into view.
Leaf green eyes hid the curiosity that bounced in her chest, causing her expression to remain unreadable. The golden dame slowed down to a walk and revealed herself from the female's left. She stood with her head held high, regal standard showing in her frame. Maija took a couple of cautious steps towards the female, noting her scent and striking out the possibility of her being Glaciem property. "Hello," Maija said, tones thick with her Romanian accent and lacking much emotion. "What business do you seek in Tortuga?"
