
Fill your stomach



8 Years
11-26-2013, 07:43 AM

Oracle returned the nuzzle, giving a little snap at his tail as he bounded past. It was hard to be moody around galah and she could not help the smile on her face ?oh realy she laughed sure it wont catch you,? Galah was her little brother, it didn't matter to her that they where the same height he was family the only one she had left and she would be damed if anything bad where to happen to him. Her tail waved in the air behind her as she skittered forward she nipped at him as she passed the smile still on her face, ? I bet I can catch more crabs then you,? she exclaimed prancing down the slope to the beach, they would have to travel a way only small crabs lived in the sand all the larger ones the ones worth catching lived at the rocky outlet of the steam further down the beach.

She nipped at him again as she passed dancing further away down onto the beach, ?catch me if you can,? she laughed pausing for only a moment before taking off at a gallop towards the rocky outlet. Claws dug into sandy soil marring the clear expanse left by the retreating tide, she had grown since her birth her paws and ears still to large for her frame she had grown lanky her limbs growing longer, the muscle was still laking from her frame. Growing pains still plauged her and she made the best of her time without them and hunting with her brother definitely counted as a good use. She relised she had lost track of him in her flight and her place stuttered as she looked over her shoulder for him. Rocks had begun to rise out of the silt and they where within sight of the out let.