
awake my soul.


11-26-2013, 08:48 AM

She would stir, and with her movements the King would lift his head. He had not been asleep, nor had he even attempted to be. His mind wandered as the geese, and there was no sense trying to quiet his quarrelsome thoughts. A sigh lifted from his lips, as he knew the day of this litters' birth would soon be upon them - perhaps even today. He hated himself for not being more pleased, but alas, who would be thrilled at the prospect of children with Alacritia in the state that it was? No one, he justified in his mind. Absolutely no one. He would extend his head in order to grace her shoulder, it was an awkward angle - but possible nevertheless. She had experienced bouts of sickness lately that came with pregnancy, and so calmly and perhaps exhaustedly he would pose a question. "Are you alright, Epiphron?" Perhaps had he been in a better mood he might have called her a pet name like 'love' or 'darling' but alas, all that could pour forth from him was the product of his rather foul mood. Voice would be hushed, a whisper meant for she and she alone, though if any child were particularly involved in the situation, they might have picked up on the notes as well.
