


11-26-2013, 09:35 AM
OOC: Before shit goes down when the others get to him, dammit I wish I wasn't half asleep...

Sleepily she had followed her father as he disappeared from their home, her tea cupped russet paws carrying her in his wake while she yawned in the early dawn light. What had her father been doing up so early? When she finally caught sight of him, the horror of what was happening between him and her big brother horrified her. She couldn't move, not until her father took Taur's face in his jaws and let his teeth pierce his eye sockets. She leapt forwards as blood poured from the cobalt man's optics. A wail of agony left her ebony lips as she rushed towards her brother. The final blow from her father was delivered as he emerged from Taurig's rear and dropped his testicles upon the ground. Then the ghostly man would float back home, oblivious to the mad dash the petite rusty brown fae was making towards the bleeding male. Tears poured down her face as she slowed down a few paces from her brother.

Horror set into her young mind as she stared at what her father had done. Her orchid eyes widened, glossy and empty, and she fell forwards, burying her face into her brother's beautiful fur. She sobbed into his flank, her entire body limp with the sheer sadness that was overwhelming her. She felt like a despicable sister, to have let her brother be decimated like that and not be able to lift a finger to help. The ivory masked she wolf felt like nothing, she could have stopped Isardis if she tried, and yet she had done nothing. Instead she had sleepily, slowly trailed after the great albino with adoration for the man in her heart, and let him do this to her brother. No wolf deserved this, especially not at their fathers hand. Her voice rose into the air, feeble and grief stricken. ?Taur... Taur... please forgive me... I'm so sorry.? She whispered, her sweet alto voice shaking and broken, she looked at her brother's bloodied face, muted pink eyes filled with love, hope, and deep within them, rage. ?This is all my fault Taur, I'm so sorry...? She whispered, crawling closer to him and staring at his mutilated face. Her father would hear about this, and he would not forget the rage that was growing in her heart, roiling like a storm over tropical waters, growing bigger and bigger, until it would be unleashed on the man with a vengeance.

Then they began to pour into the scene, wolves. Tortuga, she would recognize that scent anywhere. A giantess would try and fix her big brother, and all Eulari could do was sit there and watch as they took him away on their backs and shoulders. All she did was stand there, slowly backing away as her orchid eyes watched the horror trail away. Now what? Could she follow? Would she follow? Did she even deserve to follow? No. She would sit here, and wait for what came next.