
Start of a new Chapter



11-26-2013, 11:48 AM

Gray orbs would go back and forth between the two boys and Gerhardt, lingering on Quintus when he asked why his grandfather left for so long. When it came to her question the boy would reply simply hat he didn't know. She would turn her head to look around the area while Gerhardt answered Quintus, not really seeing either Maverick or Lady Epiphron which would cause the woman to give a small sigh before refocusing on the boys. They were talking about what the children did for fun, making Loccian smirk at the man. Cassius would be able to help her, explaining that his parents were probably patrolling the borders, but he wasn't too sure. She would give a nod of her head in thanks.

And right on cue Loccian would spot the Queen approach, dipping her head to the woman once she was a bit closer. Epiphron would direct her attention to the returning Ambassador, and while she did that Loccian would focus on the red figure approaching, Maverick. Clearing her throat, Loccian would stand up and take a step forward so that she was beside Gerhardt, dipping her head to Maverick. "I hope you don't mind, I have informed Gerhardt of the things he has missed while gone." She would speak up, tones soft as usual. She hoped he wouldn't mind, after all, Gerhardt was his father and should know about these things since he was returning and would be staying this time.


Awesome table by Nyx <3