
Regretful Broken Hearts


11-26-2013, 11:31 PM

Chuckling was followed by a curt reply from her brother, dismissing her offered aid with a kind refusal. She nodded in reply, then listened to the remainder of his statement. When he searched for affirmation, she made a small sound of agreement, and the two set off, side by side. He led her to the creek, and she plopped down on her rear to watch small fish dart by. Placing her front right paw in the cool water, she let it rest suspended until the fish became accustomed to the presence. Once one swam beneath it she slammed her tiny pedestal to the bed of pebbles and scooped the dead fish from the water. Dainty jaws plucked the oily meat from the creature, until her shrunken stomach was full. She pushed it away, looking to her big brother and letting her voice trickle from between her ebony lips. ?You want the rest?? She asked quietly, watching him with her sweet orchid pools for a moment, regarding the damage to his face. She felt terrible, though the cobalt male insisted it was not her fault. Quickly she dipped her muzzle into the crisp, clear water of the stream, and lapped up enough to rehydrate her body for now. Her muted pink gaze would turn once more to regard Taur, waiting for him to say something. She was starting to get tired, her eyes heavy. A yawn stretched apart her jaws, but she would wait until Taurig was settled in before letting her attention leave him.