
What is This

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-16-2013, 02:04 PM

jupiter illidais

when she was but a teen, nearing maturity but just not quite there, jupiter had come upon this fated ravine purely by accident, and had nearly fallen into it. as she padded toward that very location, she gave a fond chuckle of the memory despite the fact that it wasn't exactly a pleasant one. even as she had stopped her head-long sprint her body had still slid, form turning so that it was parallel to the ravine, her back legs had slipped off of the lip of the ravine, and the rest of her body had nearly gone with it. she had struggled for what had seemed like hours, but had turned out to be only a few seconds worth, before she had finally managed to drag herself back onto stable ground. she wondered where ludicael would be had she fallen to her death that day.

jupiter's nose wrinkled with tremendous disdain at the thought of pepper ruling the lands. with a pack, no less. she would have expected it to last a month, tops, before it fell apart. think it harsh, but the leader held such a thorough disliking for the lass. it wasn't because of the challenge itself (for example, she was on neutral grounds with thane even though he too had challenged)--it had been the way that she had tried to claim ludicael. the fae had walked up with that glint in her eye--that idiotic glint--as if she had discovered something. as if she had found a land that nobody lived in, that nobody called their own, that nobody cherished... and tried to take it without a second thought.

so absorbed in her musings was the she-wolf that she hardly noticed the figure growing slightly larger with every step that she took. the she-wolf blinked rapidly, lids flickering to bring the terrain ahead into focus. the creature ahead seemed familiar somehow. celestial eyes narrowed as she still walked forward in silence, and she realized that it was aria, one of the ludicael wolves. she breathed in through her nose and found a tinge of her land's scent upon the wolf's pelt. she hadn't been there long enough for it to dominate, but it was just enough to confirm her observation. as she approached, she moved some small rocks and pebbles that were scattered about to let the she-wolf know that she was near, so she wouldn't be startled.

"don't fall," she chuckled, ears forward. "i almost made that mistake before." she came near and settled to her haunches beside the lunav. smiling even as she looked down into the dangerous depths, and then glanced at the lady affably. "settled in to ludicael enough to wander, i see?" she asked, chuckling. she meant it with light-hearted intent.

? 460 words ?

[ o o c ; ]

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.