
I can see the stars calling towards me



11-26-2013, 03:40 PM

With the war going on Loccian tried her best to stay within the Kingdom, to look out for the little ones running about and the ones now growing within her. This time though she had to leave, she needed to gather a few herbs that didn't grow in her home, they grew in the barren hills not that far away. So off she went.

About an hour would pass by before a familiar scent flowed into the woman's nostrils, a member of her Kingdom... Riv. Curiosity would form as she continued on, wondering why the woman was out here alone. On she pressed, making her way into the lands. In the distance she would see a form on the ground, not thinking much of it, just a kill made and the leftovers left for something else to come and eat. She'd make her way over to a plant, inspecting the flower and leaves before picking some out and continuing on.

It wasn't till she was a bit closer that she felt something unsettling. From the corner of her eye she could see the dead body was different from what was usually roaming about, deer, rabbit, a boar... it wasn't till she turned and looked did she realize... it was miss Rivaxorus.

The herbs in her jaws would drop to the ground, her throat tightening up, heart dropping to the ground. Ears pinned back, and tail tucked in between her legs. The woman... was a bloody mess with limbs torn from her body... why... how could somebody do such a thing?!

The woman would run to the body, grey orb beginning to water as she looked to the woman's face then let her gaze trail over her body and limbs. Oh, how horrible the smell was, the foul air was filled with blood and another substance. Loccian would close her eyes tightly, turning her head to the side when she saw what it was. Somebody had violated the baroness... She would clench her jaws, a horrible snarl erupting form her jaws. "I'm so sorry miss Riv... I will make sure you have a proper burial..."

The first thing she would do was move the front of the woman, carefully using a paw to close the woman's eyes. "May... you rest in peace." She would whisper softly, running her tongue over the woman's snout. From there she would try to clean the woman up through blurred tear filled eyes, carefully gathering the limbs together and placing them where they should have been attached. She would then leave for a short amount of time before returning with a good amount of large leaves, vines, sticks and soaked moss. No one deserved to die in such a way.

After cleaning the Baroness up Loccian would walk around the area, sniffing out the place carefully for any clues as to who or what could have done such a thing. By time she stopped two or three hours had passed, and she got what she sought. Leaving the scene and heading towards the north she had followed the scent of blood but the fool had left their stench also, and what made it worse was that it beloged to Glaciem. Loccian growled at this realization, one of the Ice King's minions dared to come down here and kill one of her own then flee. She would remember this particular scent, store it in her memory for the day she ran into him... he would pay.

With a sharp breath the Ambassador would leave the trail and go back to Riv, carefully dragging her body onto the sticks she made into a sort of carrier. The woman was far larger than Loccian, so simply carrying her on her back wouldn't be easy, this would help a lot. Next she would put the limbs together in the same manner but would wrap leaves then vines around them and place them in the carrier with the body.

"Let's get you home..." With everything ready she would make her way back to Seracia, even if this was still hard to carry the Baroness, Loccian would still try, and would definitely get the woman back even if it took all night with no sleep.


Awesome table by Lu <3