
What is This

Aria I


03-16-2013, 02:31 PM
She had lost herself in her thoughts, musing over this interesting spot she ha found. The Lunav would have stayed within Lucidael lands but she had grown bored quickly just roaming by herself so she decided to stray away and check out the lands around it. Even though this place wasn't too near. Either way the female wanted to explore the other lands some more befre settling down and sticking to ehr new packlands.

Aria jumped when she suddenly heard something behind her, was she really that zoned out that she wasn't paying attention to what was around her? The female suddenly lunged forward after quickly ecovering from her slight moment of surprise, shifting her weight from the front to the back legs and twisting her body with a push, so she landed on all four facing whoever had snuck up on her. With lips pulled back and fur bristling she was about to let lose a snarl when her green eyes focused on the wolf before her, the Sol, Jupiter. Quickly Aria covered her fangs, fur flattening and bowed down to her leader. "I am sorry, you caught me off guard." She apologized, lifting her head just as the she-wolf spoke about how she had almost fallen into this ravine.

She smiled at the thought, not because she wanted to see the Sol fall and break a bone but because she thought it was a bit funny to think of somebody falling because they weren't paying attention to where they set their paws. Seeing her leader sit Aria also did, tucking her legs in and sitting beside Jupiter with a small smile, giving a nod of her head when she said that Aria was settled enough to wander from the lands. "You could say somehting like that." She chuckled, gaze drifting off and looking up at the edge of the ravine. "Just wanted to explore some more of these lands before I stuck to Ludicael lands." She answered, lowering her head and focusing on the female beside her. "How are doing today with this fine weather?"