
Regretful Broken Hearts



5 Years
Extra large
11-26-2013, 08:45 PM

His life would never be the same. The chance to continue to procreate would no longer be an option for the cobalt Re, but that wasn't something that particularly bothered him. He wasn't like Isardis whose only purpose in this world was to pack it full of his demon spawn. Unlike the bastard of a sire he had, procreation wasn't about just making more wolves; it was about starting a family and having kids of his own. And he already had three litters(assuming he already knows about argent and maija). Cataleya's kids, which he could still remember seeing the day that they were born; Argent's unborn children and of course his Queen Maija's unborn children. He was overjoyed at the prospect of becoming a father except for one thing...He would never be able to see what they looked like. He wouldn't be able to tell if they came out looking him or like their mothers. He would never be able to watch them partake in their first hunt, or play with their siblings. Isardis' had taken that away from. And for that he would pay. Whether it be his own jaws or the jaws of another, the ghost would one day truly become a ghost.

It was difficult, adjusting to being blind. He was used to using his eyes for everything that now that he couldn't use them, he felt completely useless. How was he supposed to lead a pack when he couldn't even look at his packmates in the eye when they spoke to him? Maija had been doing an excellent job in helping him, but the Re didn't always accept her help. He loved her and the fact that she was here for him, but he needed to do this on his own. He needed to learn how to re-adjust to his new dark world, how to navigate the terrain he had traversed thousands of times when his eyesight still worked. It had been about two or three days since the woman Ozz and the girl Lily had helped to heal him. He had most grateful to the two dames, especially since his recovery was going along quite well. The swelling between his thighs had gone down significantly and the wound across his left cheek had begun to slowly scab over. He had stayed inside his den with Maija for a majority of the two days, just talking to her, listening to the sound of her voice; but only particular thing she told him struck out to him. There was a russet girl at his borders with an ivory marked face who hadn't left since the day of the maim. He had been rather weak and hadn't been able to go out and find her, but today was another story. The Re was feeling more at ease with the new realization that he would have to use his other senses to get around and what better what to test them out than to find Eulari.

With slow, measured steps the cobalt man would emerge from his den, crown held low, cautious of the roof of his den. It wasn't until his tail brushed the lip of the den that he would lift his head to its normal state, ears perking up. The mid-morning sun would beat down on his scared face, illuminating his now milky white eyes. Nostrils would flare, inhaling the crisp morning air as he hunted for his baby sister's scent. She hadn't gone far enough into Tortuga for him to catch it, but if she was where they said she was, then he could track her back the way that they had brought him. Cautious paws would turn his massive frame as he began to move back in the direction where the packs' scents were coming from, muzzle kept low to the ground to act as a "walking stick" and alert him to any obstacles in his path. His good right ear and what was left of his left ear would swivel back and forth, listening to his own pawsteps as well as to his surrounding area. It was a bit difficult to navigate blind, but it wasn't impossible. Eulari? Little sister, talk to me so I can follow the sound of your voice. Her scent had begun to tickle his nostrils and it was only then that he would realize that he was getting close. Pace would come a halt, ears swiveling as he strained to catch Eulari's voice.
