
She's got the fire and the fight of the gyspy


11-27-2013, 12:21 AM

The fight had come and gone, just in its wake it left a wounded King and troubled pack. Her brother had been healing well, she had been observant of his care, never far from his den that he shared with the woman that she had met the day he had fallen. She still didn't know the woman's name or who she was. She had witnessed her brother venture from the den a time or two and she allowed the brute his space giving him a chance to learn how to navigate the world once more. But today she wanted to talk with her brother.

It had not gone unnoticed that her sister had lingered at the border and now her scent was faint within the territory. The smaller girl was not so foolish as to enter without permission. Leaving only one wolf to accept her. Lips twitched silently. If Eulari had become part of the pack, only more harm would come. Not to mention the young Queen did not trust her anymore. Russet paws propelled her toward her brothers den.

She wanted to know how her brother was doing, how he was dealing with his new life. But there was more than that. What was he going to do now? This was her home now and she'd be damned if it were to be destroyed. "Taurig." She called out her brothers name, stopping a few feet form his den, she wouldn't enter, not knowing who was in there, or if her brother was even there. She would stand, waiting patiently, plume swaying idly at her hocks.

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