
You know I could be just like you


11-27-2013, 12:45 AM

She needed to be alone. She needed to get out Tortuga for a bit, clear her head. She had watched her brothers life get torn to shreds in front of her very eyes. And by their own father. Rage still burned in her chest. She had developed a lust for his blood. To see his crimson life force stain his ivory pelt and the earth. But she knew she would need practice. She wasn't ready to go running to the gates of hell. Yet.

Her legs had brought her to the cliffs. A gorgeous place, though now snow littered the ground. Winter had set in, bringing with it her second birthday. She did not mind turning 2, it made her a full grown adult, finally reaching her full weight and height. The thing she didn't like was her heat. It was a wretched thing. She couldn't wait for it to be over.

Paws stood inches from the edge of the cliff, emerald gems peering down over the edge at the dark waters. They appeared so unforgiving, crashing against the earth relentlessly, slowly chipping away at it. For a moment she let her eyes close, she let herself be taken by the cool winds of the ocean, teasing her pelt. A sight left her creamy lips as she enjoyed the little slice of a heaven she had found. Shoulders slumped wearily, she couldn't remember the last time she had slept well. She had taken up a watchful post over her brother, never far from his den or himself. How she wished she took take away his pain.

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