
Heights Unknown


3 Years
11-27-2013, 02:27 PM
Quote:Once the storm had passed, he would continue his aimless journey. Northern lands were where he was most comfortable, and where he knew that Silana was nearest. Never would he travel too far too quickly, for he always wanted his sister to be able to find him by scent, and he her. The storm he had run into alongside Ardhel had thrown his navigation off a bit, but he would not say that he was completely lost only because he had no destination in mind. When he walked, he could walk for hours, days, without caring where he ended up. A wanderer without a care nor cause, only the occasional worry that his sister was lost and wondering whether he should turn back and find her.

The boy would stop when he reached the falls, falls that he had seen before, were normally nothing to spectacle, but today? The waterfall was frozen solid. The lake that it supported below was as well. Breaking through the foliage to see it, he would gaze at it somewhat nonchalant, before stepping closer and onto the ice. When there was no sign of cracking present, he would take another step, and then another, until he was standing carefully just beneath the frozen falls. His breath came out in cold puffs, his eyes wide at the sight. Snow and ice had always been the closest to captivating him, and this brought with it a memory of a girl from his past - Seraphine, was she still alive? She was family, wasn't she? Where had she gone...

With a sigh he would turn back around, he had enough of this wonder to drink in with his eyes. Yet a single misstep would leave him frozen in place - the tiniest of cracking noise beneath his front paws. He would have to be cautious if he didn't want to get stuck under the ice.