
I can see the stars calling towards me


11-27-2013, 05:20 PM

Hajime had felt uneasy, so uneasy as Kurai had notified him that his mother was being attacked. The boy had only recently been reunited with his mother despite them being in different packs. So when he saw her body, his heart nearly stopped. His base color matched the woman's as well as his black tail and muddy paws and one ear while the right was black and he had a black mask on his face. His red eyes teared up as he bolted across the snow. Pulling himself over to the wolf who had given him life into the world and taken care of him for so long. And even didn't hate him for killing his brother. He stopped a few feet, snot and tears falling from his snout as he tried to choke out words. Kurai had already fled, terrified now that his master was dead. "Mother....w-who did this to you." The boy said as he enclosed the space between them. If they prevented him from seeing his mother they'd have to deal with a fairly distraught wolf.
He smelt such a thing as he choked back a growl. Howling in emotional pain as he flopped down on the snow and covered his face with his paws. "It's not fair, those damn bastards took my alpha's eye sight and hope of future litters then my mothers life. It isn't fair!" He wept. Black tail flicking back and forth furiously as he raised his head sniffing. Looking at the two others wolves with his sad eyes. Pain etching itself out in his heart. Looking for some sort of comfort from his mothers pack mates. His mother had been through so much only to be taken down by such a bitch ass Glaciem member let alone be defiled. He was sad, he was enraged that he couldn't do anything. And now his mother was dead.
