
You know I could be just like you


11-27-2013, 05:25 PM

Are you going to jump? Her peace was shattered. Lips twitched, aching to curl back. She didn't turn, only her ears flipped back to catch the voice. How he had managed to stumble upon her, she would never know. It was just her luck. He should have returned home by now, he should have been far from here by now. But no he was lingering. Why? It occurred to her the last thing he had asked Taurig. He was looking for someone. His Queen. Obviously she didn't want to be found, and the young Queen couldn't blame her for running away with her life.

"Not without taking you with me." Her voice became a gentle coo, carried back to him by the winds of the ocean. She sounded so sweet, so kind. Finally she would turn away from waters, turning to face the bastard who sired her. Emeralds steeled themselves into daggers. Hatred made her blood boil. Her gaze cast over him carelessly. She looked nothing like him, for that she was thankful. Her heart pounded in her chest, her face void of expression.

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