She watched with a slight frown, shaking her head some as her sister spoke. She had always known that Satu was more devoted to Ahlon than she had been, not to say that she hadn?t done her part for the pack, simply had never done quite so much, neither had it been expected of her. Neither had she understood her sister?s compliance for her mother?s guard. "Relax Satu. " She said with a slight chuckle. "I am hardly one to judge, I left of my own volition remember." She would glance up at her sister again a question forming in her mind.
"How?" She faltered some, "How was mother when you saw her last?" She knew that losing her son at a young age had been hard on Arelahn, but even when their brother had returned, their mother had never given up on the idea of her son returning as she remembered him, a young boy. Cirala leaving had been for the best but she had always known that leaving would be hard on her mother. Still the woman had reasoned with herself that it would be easier on the aging woman didn?t see an almost exact copy of the man who ruined her life every time she looked upon her daughter.