
The outsider


11-27-2013, 09:43 PM
He would watch her reaction, and it seemed to him that she was hesitant. He waited patiently, his tail wagging slightly behind his gleaming white body as he waited for her to speak. It only took a few moments for him to get a response, though not one he was expecting. "What do you want? has no one ever told you to never talk to strangers." His ears splayed back as he glanced away, like a pup being scolded. He bit his lip for a second before responding, he hadn't ever been told that. Having only been growing up with his father, and with his mother out of the picture, he was usually independent and fending for himself. His old pack was close to each other, and when Byakuro's father became gravely ill he came here to find his mother. Well, he had found her...but she was in a pack, and it just so happened to be his packs enemy.

" be honest, no. You see, I grew up without my Mother, and my Father was always busy. I came to these lands not too long ago in search of my Mother, because my Father has fallen gravely ill...I just thought that it would be a good opportunity to introduce myself before approaching. Common courtesy, y'know?" his ears perked forward again, a kindness in his eyes as he glanced at her. "So you're in Tortuga? Well, perhaps we can become friends! I just joined, so it would be a good opportunity, don't you think?"