
No Children


11-27-2013, 11:32 PM
He stiffened at her hauty tones, not appreciating her off handed insults. The desert brat had no right turning her nose up to him; she had no idea who he was! He stood up as she turned her back, seeing an opportune moment to take full advantage of her. His muscles tensed, preparing himself for his next move just before his mind began buzzing with activity.

just do it already. .. the bitch has it coming to her!

She is offering to help you you crazy ass leave her alone. ..

You don't even need her help you are perfectly competent on your own

But she is practically giving herself to you in letting her guard down. . How long has it been? ?

As the blood rushed from his head to his groins, Fugue knew that he had only one choice. He shrugged off all of his impure thoughts and stepped behind her, following at enough of a distance that he could still speak yet far enough away to keep his head in the right place.

"Micha dear, I was only passing through the desert lands on my way to my home in the swamps. I'm perfectly capable of fending for myself anywhere that i travel, I merely needed some company in my hunt, and seeing as this seems to be your home, you seemed the most eligible partner for such a quest. Am i right my dear?"

His tail wanted gently behind him as he walked, easily keeping her pace. He would show her. A quick hunt and perhaps she would allOw him to warm her bed that night. She was a tough nut to crack.