
Alas the shaman is here [joining]



11-28-2013, 09:39 AM

The golden vixen listened without showing emotion in her face. As she watched the female with the blue streak of fur that raced down her cranium, she summed up her reason for appearing at their borders: She was a healer who was looking for a new home. Tortuga was the ideal place for her to go. When Vahva mentioned Glaciem, a low growl escaped the golden Regina. Her lips moved in a motion from the tip of her nose to the corners of her mouth as the sound slipped through her clenched teeth. "Only one pack has a bastard as their King. Your explanation could be vague like my face and I would know who you spoke of." It would probably make Isardis fluff with pride that the word 'bastard' had his face next to it in the dictionary.
Maija's perfectly groomed tail flicked behind her as she acknowledged the rest of what Vahva had said in her explanation. With the actions she displayed in front of her, she took that in account as well before speaking again. "From the way you describe yourself, you have two different talents wrapped into one...that is something not many wolves can claim for themselves..." Maija's head rose taller and she looked at Vahva with her crystal-like leaf green eyes. "You seem confident about your abilities, which only makes my decision easier..."
She acknowledged Vahva with a small smile and turned to face the unseen path in the woods that led back to her home. With an ear and eye turned to the female's form, she gently greeted her. "Welcome to Tortuga...I am the Regina, Maija...Taurig's wife-to-be." A hint of happiness appeared in the smile's crevice that could be seen from the side view of Maija's maw, but it slowly disappeared as she turned to look at Vahva head-on once again. "Whenever you are ready, we shall go to meet the King."

speech here