
Come Wake Me Up


11-28-2013, 11:21 AM

Her brothers call echoed loudly within her ears, stirring her from her sleep. Her crown would lift, eyes blinking sleepily. She was nearby as she had been for the past week or so. Her bodice would lift, stretching each of her muscles. A yawn would part her jaws as the woman shook away the sleep. She would part ways the comfort of her den and head towards the call of her brother and her King.

She would the second to arrive. Her eyes seeking first her brother and then Maija. A smile tugged at her lips. She had never been formally introduced to the woman, but now the Queen knew who she was. She would approach, her steps fluid with lazy grace. "Taurig." She greeted her brother first, bumping her nose to his shoulder. She was beginning to adjust the ways of her brothers blindness now, knowing how and when to alert him of her presence without startling him. Next her emerald gaze would turn to her brothers wife-to-be. An easy smile would be offered. "Maija, I presume. My brother has finally told me much about you. Its nice to meet you formally. I'm Sibelle."

She made no move to offer a greeting of affection to the woman, not knowing her well enough, but the young Queen kept herself friendly. A sense of protectiveness flared in her chest briefly. The woman seemed kind enough, but the russet woman would not hesitate if she hurt her brother. Turning, she would seat herself a few feet from her brothers side, plume curling around herself delicately. Audits stood at attention, listening for the approaching sounds pack.

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