
Alas the shaman is here [joining]


11-28-2013, 12:12 PM

Tuarig's wife to be? That was interesting, but it brought a little bit of joy into the girls heart. Entirely, Vahva remembered the boys in her pack getting mates having children. As it stood even if they had tortured her like no tomorrow, it took a while for her to understand them after becoming a leader of a sorts. "I had to learn how to heal and fight quickly, I was a slave for a season before becoming an alphess." Vahva explained walking beside the woman. Her mane shook a little bit as her red eyes looked over Maija, a strong dependable women. Something ached in her throat though, this place didn't seem as happy as it been in her last visit. And she hated to ask but she had to. "How is Taurig? The last I saw him the pack gave off a more comforted feeling. I know it may not be my place to ask, but I can't shake this bad feeling of worry." Her tail flicked slightly. As she strained her vocal cords with the worried tone she expressed. Everyone here was her family, regardless of how well she knew them or how well they knew her. Vahva was hoping to help as much as she could if things were becoming broken.
"I'm sorry miss Maija, I just get worried sometimes. This is my family as any other member of my birth pack is. And after speaking with Taurig he is a kind and dependable man." Vahva dipped her head. It was clear to see her leader qualities were shining through ever bright with her worry for the alpha. The entire pack as a whole, and how she handled such situations. The odd colored fae gave a soft smile towards Maija, trying to seem a less bit worried if anything.
