

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-16-2013, 05:05 PM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2013, 05:05 PM by Jupiter I.)

one couldn't say that she had glided across the ground; with some muscles still sore from the fights that had captured ludicael in her grasp, the alpha wasn't exactly the epitome of graceful, but the lass still had knowledge of how to move with the silence of a ghost, though maybe minus the spine-tingling cold of an other-worldly presence. a restless attempt at sleep had driven her to initiate a night patrol of the borders and of the land in general, and it hadn't taken long for a familiar individual to fall under the scope of her observance. she found herself clinging to the treeline, watching the lass from a sort of proximal distance, allowing the wind to sweep that scent towards her. she felt a single, fleeting, familiar pulse in her abdomen as she recalled their initial meeting, and a knowing smirk spread across her countenance.

the lass watched the fae for a little while longer, warring with herself on whether or not to take a brief hiatus from her pack duties and tend to personal--very, very personal--ones. the mere sight of the gorgeous ebony lass silhouetted against the azure glow of the waters when she stirred them offered an odd, powerful sensation to jupiter. it was the product of the beauty of her birthlands and the eye-candy quality of this fae combined, and it drove her up a wall. her responsibilities to her affiliation ended up winning, in the end. she had fought to secure this land, hadn't she? a potential future challenger could be waiting at the borders right now, observing what they considered to be lack of security of the realm, and could have already walked away to the battlefield while jupiter was creeping on a lass enjoying the sight of the waters. she began to turn away from the tantalizing sight when a noise pierced her ears, and without her permission her muscles locked, freezing her in place.

she wants... me? came jupiter's incredulous thoughts, and then they corrected themselves with a mental chuckle. well, of course she wants me. i am the alpha...! right? ...right. a smug smile replaced her previously unsure expression, and the sol strode forth, still keeping relative distance between them. how lucky she was that the lass had chosen one of the few spots with space between the water and the treeline. it served as a perfect playing field for one of her favorite games.

"i'm right here--you don't have to yell," she murmured, pausing where she was and gazing at the onyx-pelted creature with lavender eyes. jupiter seemed to reconsider, a mischievous smirk crossing her visage. "no, nevermind. i want you to yell," she replied suggestively. her expression returned to one of neutral set, and her tone became almost business-like. "now, what business does an orbita have with a sol?" pulling ranks? yup, definitely pulling ranks.



prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.