
Darkness and Shadows


11-28-2013, 09:45 PM

The monster's slumber was black, it was always that way. Ever since the night of the fire, she had no longer dreamt, all void of those privileges since she chose the side of insanity and not giving a crap. Aside for her love, her new found love she had found with similar interests in all. Ryouta had honestly never thought to have fallen in love completely with Raven, but she had, and switched to a strict monogamous relationship it seemed like. They were so devilish, as Raven was so small, but what an adorable uke she was under the beasts form. That was what she enjoyed most, as she heard her voice the slumbering monster opened her eyes slightly. Showing bright shining blue orbs. Her grin on her face growing as the black and gray girl gave a soft huff with her waking moments. It nearly felt like coming alive once more every time it happened.
"Good evening my dear Raven." Her breath could be seen, as the white light from the snow filtered into the cave. But they were warm, aside each other, with Arayne probably somewhere in the cave since they had considerably claimed the girl. She would leave them alone obviously though. As Ryu stayed where she was, aside from her moving jaws, grinning scar shining on the moonlight as well as the one across her snout. Tail scratching against the bottom of the caverns that they had decided to call home. Perhaps they should stay and claim this place in due time. Oh how Ryouta thought and wished for a pack now. But that was how crap flew from the start hadn't it. She thought about her old home, what had happened how it fell apart. And how she had murdered her father in such a way they didn't even know who he was.
