
Darkness and Shadows


11-28-2013, 11:02 PM

Ryu's ears flicked to her sides, pressing against her skull and then raising again. That question brought an evil snarl to her throat, remembering everything, feeling the grueling flesh escape her teeth and paws as she tore into the man who had helped in giving her life. The flesh being pounded over and over again from her jumping on it with her commence size. Until it was nothing but mush, pudding, a fine slime with bodily innards just splayed out. And somewhere else a fire started, giving all hell to the wolves of the forest pack. "Ohhh Insanity is a choice if any, it only takes a push to blank the mind out from the bastards who like to like the honey and be cruelly oblivious to the world. But, Insanity is also a chain all in itself." She said closing her eyes for a moment.
"Mother died the night of the fire, because of Daddy. And I tore him to pieces, I made sure no one could see what he was anymore. He turned into a mushy pile, I had done everyone a favor but they all looked at me so strangely so sadly. My brother burned in the fire, and everyone scattered, I just shut down." Ryouta explained, keeping it short, keeping herself down. For she might have gone more crazy speaking about the blood that she had pulled, and eaten from the man. So tedious it had been after her siblings ran off in the fire. So awful, so gruesome, it was wondrous feeling she got from killing him. And the terrible scars on her heart from her mothers death that had drawn her into insanity.
