
my kingdom come [DM]


11-28-2013, 11:56 PM

Had her words reached the ears of an ordinary Seraphim, they would?ve infuriated him. After all, he had spent time with his children prior to that day, though it had been seldom. As part of his agreement with Morphine, it was his duty to teach them the skills they needed to survive aside from fighting. He had done so when they had been too young to be alone, but later on found it best for them to experience things without a parent by their sides. Of course, he was always close by if Morphine as not. He found comfort in following a short distance behind to ensure their safety. Coincidentally it was through this covert practice that he found Devya, a daughter he was allowed to love.

What Morphine thought was of no matter to him now though. If he lived through this, he could explain the less obvious details to his children if they wished. For now, his darker side took her words in stride, giving them little attention. Instead, he focused on readying himself and executing the proper moves for protection. As she neared the end of her speech, he made sure that his defenses were still set. He spread his legs slightly and lowered his body, bending at the knees a bit and centering his weight with slight focus on his toes for quicker movement. His claws now dug into the ground and his abdomen tightened, as attack was imminent. His tail rose to be level with his spine for increased balance, and his ears dropped back against his head. His eyes remained narrowed, his mouth set into a slightly parted snarl, and his shoulders finally rolled forward as hackles rose and he dropped his head to cover his neck.

The white witch would approach at an angle slightly to his left, and he would counter by moving further to his own right (Morphine?s left) so that each of their left shoulders would be lined up. His shoulder would drop as he returned the charge, hoping to meet her halfway. Seraphim would try to lessen the damage to his own shoulder by throwing his weight against hers, in addition to attempting to use his heavier weight to throw her off balance in the force of their collision. Jaws would part as their bodies met. He would hope that his change of position would line her outstretched jaws up with his face rather than his neck, and therefore would try to force her teeth to clamp around some portion of his maw. If he was successful in altering the location of her assault, Seraphim would twist his head slightly to the side without pulling his head away from his throat in an attempt to latch onto either the top or bottom portion of Morphine?s muzzle, whichever was most accessible.

Simultaneously, his weight would refocus to his hind legs as both fore legs became occupied in an effort to give him a few extra seconds to counter. As Morphine swept his left leg and threw his balance off, Seraphim would reach with his right leg in an attempt to wrap it around Morphine?s left shoulder. He would do so in the hope that his weight would pull Morphine with him as he fell. A grip on her muzzle, if he was successful in getting it, would aid him in his takedown attempt. Upon hitting the ground, with or without Morphine, he would try to use the momentum from the fall to help him roll over his left side and get back to his feet quickly.

Round 1 of 3 v. Morphine for Death

Attacks: Attempt to counter Morphine?s shoulder attack by moving further to his right, charging and dropping his left shoulder into her left shoulder ? hoping to throw her balance off. Attempt to grab onto either the top or bottom portion of her muzzle while simultaneously wrapping his free right leg around her shoulder to pull her to the ground with him.

Defenses: Eyes narrow, ears flat, tail raised, head tucked, knees bent, widened stance, weight focused slightly toward toes, shoulders rolled forward, claws dug into ground, hackles rose, tightened abs, jaws slightly parted.
Return charge at Morphine in an attempt to lessen the blow of her attack. Change of angle in an attempt to redirect her attack with her jaws to Seraphim?s maw. Redirection of his weight to his hind legs in an effort to maintain a few seconds of extra balance before succumbing to Morphine?s leg-swipe. Attempt to roll to feet after hitting the ground.

Injuries: Deep bruising to his left shoulder, deep wounds from Morphine?s teeth wherever they end up landing on his face or maw, sprained ankle from the leg swipe, bruising to the left side of his torso from hitting the ground.

talk, think