
Sun is Setting in the West



11-29-2013, 12:06 AM
The day was slowly creeping into dawn, and yet there was still some light being shed over the territory. The alpha rose to her feet, ignoring the weariness that her body responded with - Erani would have her hide for not resting after fainting on the battlefield. Instead she had made her rounds to Seracia and Glaciem before returning home, with no more than a day of rest in between. And yet she could not properly rest, not with Glaciem's scent plaguing the territory, not with blood covering her borders and her people injured and in danger of being attacked while they were down. She would not rest until she felt they were safer, until she had seen them all for herself. It was time for a meeting - those that were in Seracia should have returned now, and those that were injured need not travel far just yet to hear her.

She was physically tired, but sleep was far from the alpha's mind. Her people were healing, piecing themselves back together after a lost siege. If only they had a true general to lead them, perhaps the loss would not have been so great - but she had done her best, and fought until she couldn't any longer. Regardless, her people were a peaceful lupine, they were not warriors, they were not soldiers no matter how hard they trained. They fought for themselves, their pride and happiness, not the permanent injury of others. Yet the pack that had marched to their borders for no reason whatsoever, had taken everything they could, tried to destroy them from the inside out - but no matter the injuries given and the prisoners taken, life would go on for Valhalla. She might have failed them once, but she would not remain in her slump and continue to do so. For this pack to rise, she would have to better herself, and despite that being a slow process, she refused to do anything but persevere.

It was soon after returning from Glaciem that she would call to the pack. Her howl was not somber, not sad, but a simple howl for Valhalla to assemble. The news she had for them was various in terms of good and bad, but it all needed to be said. At the heart of the territory, where the damage from their war was less present, she would call to the wolves of Valhalla. She wanted to see them all, despite their group not being one of victory, they were no less great in her eyes. Her members had not failed her, they had fought tooth and nail when they could have run, could have high tailed it to Seracia or Ludicael while the war was ongoing. They were courageous, even if they had not won as many battles.