
Alas the shaman is here [joining]



11-29-2013, 07:52 AM

Maija raised an eyebrow as Vahva unfolded bits of her history. She silently wondered why the female felt it was necessary to bring up the post she had once held, but the mental inquiry was put on hold as Vahva asked her own question. Of course, the atmosphere had changed because the threat hadn't been as great when Vahva last came to Tortuga. Maija wasn't sure when the female with the blue Mohawk had last appeared, but an explanation was given nonetheless. "Comfort was taken away from us when the war took place between Glaciem and our ally, Valhalla. It struck a cord in us all, to have some of our best males leave to fight...and since they returned, the Glaciem threat has become even bigger."
The golden vixen truly hated Glaciem and what their leader stood for. He had hurt her husband-to-be, made it to where they didn't have the choice to procreate after this secret litter. It would be the only time she would get to have children with Taurig, and it was because of that fact Maija was more paranoid than ever when it came to the growing fetuses. Her tail curled its tip as they strolled towards the inner lands of Tortuga, small smile flickering across her lips as Vahva spoke positively about Taurig. "That he is," was all she would say as they walked, the brisk temperatures around them making Maija's exhalations turn to temporary vapor in front of them. "As for your pack being your family, I cannot say that I agree just yet. You have yet to prove your worth, of which I look forward to seeing in the near future." Who knew what would happen to have Vahva prove her skills. "Words only go so far, Vahva. Actions stand out more clearly."
