


03-16-2013, 06:24 PM
OOC Name: Enigma
How did you get here?: -Yawn- Ads
Age: 15
PvP: Semi-realistic

Character's Name: Aiden
Age: 2 years
Season of birth: Autumn
Size: 31" and 100lbs
Appearance description:

"I believe I took more after my mother then my father...

I'm not as tall as my mother seeing as I stand about 31" and weight about 100lbs but I still think I look more like her. I am more leggy then most, almost gangly and awkward looking some have said. My upper body has a fairly thick coat while my legs are pretty lean and have much less fur. I've never been especially toned or muscular like some, the fact that I can't hunt for myself or move very fast makingme stay thin, sometimes almost to the point where my bones rub at my skin so much that fur is missing in areas. That hasn't happenedsince I first came to Alacritis though... I joined Valhalla and met Amarin who was nice enough to feed me until the eruption. I don't think she made it though...

I don't seem to take after either of my parents when it comes to my pelt colour, the molten mix of tans and grey giving me an almost unpleasant look in the springs when my winter coat is shedding or in the fall when my winter coat is growing in.

Aiden is a tall but fairly well built male, muscles aren't as honed as most wolves as he often doesn't hunt for himself or exercise excessively. Brown and tan in colour darker swirls adornhis back and legs with lighter paws and tansplattered throughout his coat. Eyes are sharp gold though as he grows older they will slowly begin to fade an cloud. Just as his mother did he will one day loose his sight. Large fox like ears and a narrow muzzle similar to the rest of his family and long legs with a thick coat even during the summer.