
Darkness and Shadows


11-29-2013, 10:53 PM

Her lover's voice was filled with knowledge, of shadows lurking in her heart. It was so sexy, in a psychotic way that only the obsidian bitch could really see. She still felt sorry for the duo pigmented she wolf for whom she held affections, and conveyed those feelings by nuzzling the giantess' chest and snuggling her small frame close into the curve of the woman's stomach, running her long salmon tongue over her silky fur. "Well, my past isn't all peaches and cream either..." She muttered quietly, laying her cheek on the stone floor, feeling the cold bite through her thick cheek fur. "My mother was a subordinate in the pack, and so I was taken away by the alpha and his mate, who raised me after her litter all died of disease. Once I was weaned, she herself died. My father, the alpha, took another mate, and she abused me. As did everyone else." She whispered, sighing. Brushing away the fur on one of her front ankles with her snout, she revealed a thick, double looping scar that wrapped around the wrist. "See this? The bitch tried to rip off my fucking foot when I tried to leave the hell hole." She growled, remembering the pain she had suffered through as she travelled with a wound that severe. When the Alphess' first attempt to tear it off was unsuccessful, she had changed her grip and rocked back and forth. Resulting in the double wrapping of the scar. She watched her mate's face, waiting for a reaction. No doubt it would be interesting.
