


11-29-2013, 11:18 PM
OOC Name: Orchid
How did you get here?: Google searched for a realistic wolf RPG
Age: 21

Character's Name: Isabella VentFlurrer
Age: 3
Season of birth:Summer
Size: (in inches)23 inches at her shoulder
Appearance description: Isabella is a small wolf standing 23 inches at her shoulder. Though small she has a beautiful pelt with colors that go from white on her belly legs and bottom of her tail, a cream colored fur along her sides and chocolate brown on her back. Her chin and cheeks are white, her face is gray while her the fur around her eyes and on her muzzle is brown, making her face look almost like a fox's. Her eyes are a light blue and are somewhat off putting especially on the background of her dark fur, such lovely eyes hold a cold and silent rage unless you get to know her, then you may see them be somewhat soft. While she is small, she walks with her head, ears and tail up high as if she is a alphaess. Her steps are sure and careful, she never makes a move she doesn't plan on and she walks with the grace and agility her small form gives her. With her stance, careful movement and eyes she has the effect of looking like she owns the imminent area around her and everyone thing and every one in it.
Duty: Tracker