
War Pigs


11-30-2013, 01:51 AM

Her gaze shifted towards the male as he dismissed her and turned to go. Her ears twitched as she shrugged off the departure of the feeble minded and turned her attention back on her siblings. Her head snapped around as she heard the glorious sound of her father?s voice. All interested in what her sisters were attempting to achieve was dispelled as she turned to watch the vagrant with her father. He was indeed unworthy. He had proven so by displaying such displeasure for the siblings policing each other. Pups. He thought of them as youths with no knowledge of the world but they knew things. Dark things. And she desired to prove that he was worthless and she was righteous.

She removed herself gently from her sister?s coat. Brushing against her in a silent suggestion that she follow in her wake. Her ears twitched as her father spoke to the wolf. Deeming him childlike in his behavior. It amused her only slightly but her inner smile had not surfaced on her outer features. No, she remained silent and eager to hear what the sentence was for this male. He spoke of death. Yet the manner of what he spoke had eluded her. All she desired was to place that fear deep within him. She wanted to break him. Snap the bones in his body and feed his soul to her sister. Her thoughts on Vyvienne?s reason for her desire for him to leave still lingered in her mind and she would consider her sisters opinion on strangers a little more closely.

She looked at her father; the desire in her gaze was evident. She wanted to prove they were not weak. Wanted to show the strength and fight inside her and all of them. She wanted to break this wolf and if she didn?t have the chance to do it now, then she would do it later and far more slowly. He had the audacity to question her father?s authority and he should be punished for such actions. The conviction was clear in her gaze as she looked at her father. He is mine. I will hurt him for you if you let me. I will kill him if its what you desire or I will torture him until he leaves this world on his own. It was all in her gaze but not a single word was spoken. She wouldn?t dare speak above him. He was her heaven and his voice was law but she could suggest things in silence. It was all a matter how he would react.