

Medusa i


5 Years
03-16-2013, 06:57 PM

Medusa enjoyed this vixen very much, well, as much as she could with any sort of real attachment. She wanted to get to know Jupiter?s buttons; to learn how to press them and manipulate them, how to press the red button and then abort its fiery red path of destruction. That was all necessary for her fine art of manipulation. Whores held more power than those who fell under their spell realized; manipulation was possible with even the most subtle of gestures. The Mistress had explained it all to Medusa, and although the serpent was hardly as proficient in her art as the matriarch of the harem she?d been raised in, she liked to think she was capable. She liked to believe that she could worm like a snake into the pelt of her victims, and find herself irremovable.
She grinned as the alpha spoke, finding her voice charming, if only because Medusa held a great deal of lust for this woman. Power was attractive, after all, and so was beauty. Not that she hadn?t fucked her own share of old, weak geezers in the time she?d spent in training (the very thought still made her shiver, for she was, by nurture, a rather vain creature), but Medusa was a woman with very particular takes. "I only mean the most innocent of sentiments. I am a woman of honor, after all," she preened, staying still as the alpha approached, nearly making contact and then teasing her once more. Medusa was beginning to think the ruddy woman had some sort of power kink; she seemed to enjoy teasing the serpent, as if she wanted her to beg. The midnight-furred woman almost scoffed; if she wanted such a thing all she needed was to ask. Regardless, she wasn?t certain if this assumption was correct or not.

She watched the alpha move to the edge of the water, allowing her to do so for a few moments and speak. The serpent didn?t respond to her invitation verbally, instead moving forwards, coming close enough to just barely bristle her pelt against Jupiter?s. The sensation was delectable, but the harlot kept going, ignoring the burning her loins as she stepped past her subject and into the water. Once she was submersed she turned around, her bi-colored eyes creating what could only be a ?come hither? look. "I will never forget this gift, dear fox. I believe I?ve told you how much I enjoy water," she said, closing her eyes and letting out a rather suggestive moan, as if being part of what Jupiter owned brought her great joy. Around her the water would glow, a rather curious trait that she hoped would work to her advantage.