
Spark of the Divine


11-30-2013, 05:54 AM

Tidus has escaped his den for an unusual walk. He had been asked to accompany Maija during her walk, and he would accept. Not because he absolutely had to, but because he wanted to protect his adopted brothers new found love. Although Maija seemed quite unhappy with it, Tidus understood. After all, he would be as equally annoyed if he had to have a babysitter too. But he didn't want to come as a babysitter, he wanted to be friends with Maija. Perhaps in this outing she would see it, after all, he wasn't too much of the serious type. He just agreed to go along for the ride what with the recent happenings from Glaciem. He would be there to help should someone decide to harm Maija during her trek, and even with his right eye gone, he was still the fighter he had been before. Although it had taken him a while, Tidus had begun to care for himself. Today, he had cleaned up his fur some, and although it was not yet at it's vibrant luster that it once was, it would get there soon enough.

"Maija, I just want you to know that I'm not here as your babysitter or anything...I'd like to be a friend, and Taurig is like my brother. Gotta make sure his One and Only Love is safe, y'know?" He grinned at her when he caught up, showing kind sincerity in his good eye as he loped beside her for a moment before moving on. He would allow her space, and he would go about his own thing, perhaps looking for some prey or random herbs that could be of use later. He would stay nearby however, at least keeping her in his sight and respond to her call should she need him. With that, he moved away with a final touch of her shoulder with his tail, not wanting to further upset the golden she-wolf.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think