
I only need one hand


11-30-2013, 11:58 AM

Vahva flicked her attention over to the youngster she was confronted with. Interesting as it may have been it was a valhallan, bringing her guards to drop suddenly without a second thought. She could not fight with those of her own birth pack, it simply was not possible. Her red eyes searched her over, she looked oddly familiar if anything. Vahva may not have been in Valhalla for very long, but she knew who Cairo had been, her mother had been punished because of Vahva's birth so how could she ever forget? Though asking to help was a bit far, Vahva wasn't just a warrior, she was a great healer, in fact she had easily treated the wounds and she only needed to stretch every day for them to fully heal. The gesture however was nice enough, bringing a kind smile to the woman's face her vibrant blue mane shining against the waters edge. "I'm fine, I simply fell from a tree and have already treated my wounds." Vahva sat down and shook her body free from water vapor that had accumulated on her fur.
She tilted her head to a side for a moment. "No pickle you seem to know my dear, I came from a recent Valhalla visit, I was born there. And I'm heading to the north to challenge Isar for his throne at Glaciem." Vahva said. It was no longer a secret, and considering everyone knew who the lad was. She did hope she didn't need to explain, though she was having second doubts if anything. If she were not strong enough, what would happen to her, what would isar do to her. Or worst of all Valhalla and their allies.
