
Darkness and Shadows


11-30-2013, 12:44 PM
The dame's voice wove through the air, telling about her family. Why must there be so many scumbags running the world around them? It was not something those bastards deserved, though in hindsight all they really deserved was to rot in the pits of hell. Her duo toned lover's salmon tongue caressed the thick bands of puckered flesh looping around her wrist, and a purr fell from the ebony bitch's throat. "Well, the dickwad had it coming for quite some time by the sound of it. Only fair that you got to do the honor." She responded with a twisted chuckle, knowing full well that if she could have killed those who had hurt her she would have enjoyed every. Fucking. Second. Then her love asked a question pertaining to the odd eyed she wolf's history. A tiny nod ruffled the fur along her cheeks, and her voice would soon accompany the gesture. "I left as soon as they abandoned my unconscious body. I walked all the way here while my foot went from nearly detached to, well, this." She told her love, shrugging. The memories were painful, but pain was a wonderful thing sometimes. She watched Ryu's face, waiting for what would be to come next.
