
For my confusion and anger, I'm still uncertain



7 Years
11-30-2013, 07:06 PM (This post was last modified: 11-30-2013, 07:06 PM by Nako.)
The Amenti-born stood at Loccian's prompt, a paw sinking into the snow but then remembering to spread his toes as he sat down. Nako recoiled with pinned ears and raising a paw to his chest at seeing the healers lips raise. Her words about his sire wounded him. Bane was told of being a selfish wolf outside of his family it seemed before he was born but Nako didn't care, for Loccian just told him the words he wanted to hear. "I, I... really? I am Seracian? And the chiefs' pups are only a little bit better than me?" The Seracian juvenile stumbled forward and nuzzled against the healers forelegs. "I'll try not to do the bad things that dad did, but I don't know what he did and I don't want to know, dun tell me."

Loccain spoke about how she was an outcast but didn't have a family like he did, Nako stopping his nuzzles with a whine as he sat when she did. "I'm sorry about your family Loccian." Mismatched eyes remained downcast as the healer finished speaking as he soaked in her words. "So... father isn't dead, just away from Seracia... and if I go see him will I be banished too? No wait... I haven't done anything bad, and, and just visiting him wouldn't be bad unless I do something bad. That would be nice, cuz derz a war goin' on, family gotta stick close, even if it's a little bitz away." Nako stopped his jumbled epiphany and looked back at where the healer had come from and at the snow tracks of his family's travel, right next to Loccians. "I should be with my family more, cuz I'm one of them. Let's go." Nako wagged his tail with a smile and closed eyes at the healer, setting off with youthful obliviousness and missing a few manners, a spray of snow marking his disappearing form down the slope of the hill and towards his family.

-Exit Nako-